Monday, December 5, 2011


Every now and then Amy and I play with the idea of visiting each other, and we hope that some day flying across the ten time zones will come true. In a private e-mail just yesterday, we were talking about what would be the best season to come to Finland. I would recommend spring, summer, or early autumn, because there's just so much more to do, and the long hours of daylight allow lots of time outdoors. But I recognize how winter can also feel very intriguing especially for those who aren't used to it. One thing I love about this little town is that after the bustling tourist season it gradually goes into a state of hibernation, with plenty of space and quiet. Just look at the last few pictures to be convinced! It really is possible to walk through the old part of town and see more birds than people. (For an even better idea of the atmosphere, imagine the vicinity of the sea, and some smoke from someone's chimney lingering in the air.)

Picture 1 is from one of the highest points in town, pictures 2-8 from the museum, and pictures 9-13 from the main street in the old town.

1 comment:

'cil said...

It's probably hard to imagine the winter experience. What time of day were these pictures taken? Yesterday was a beautiful clear day and we headed back inside from the park just before 3pm. The sun had already disappeared behind the trees and the sky was turning pink. Hard to believe even when you are here!