Monday, May 21, 2012

Siivet (making of)

Well I didn't mean to miss a whole week of blogging, but this is my favorite time of year and it will be over too soon! I also wanted to finish my latest project, including the behind-the-scenes pictures to share with you. I can't imagine more appropriate springtime wear than pink fluffy wings! I took the time to make them for my younger daughter's first performance (we have been attending a family gym class once a week and our sports club organizes a show at the end of each season). But even after performances, I know wings will be useful in this family for years to come, just in our everyday lives! While I held my completed creation in my hands, I immediately felt sorry it had taken so much time to make them, because if I had the time to make a second pair, they would be mine! Only mine would be with a silvery base and black tulle...

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