Saturday, June 5, 2010

Onnellinen loppu

My post of the week is late according to all time zones, and here's why:

My 7-year-old was to finish first grade on Saturday, and on Friday we had a crisis about what she would wear to spring church that would on Saturday celebrate the beginning of summer vacation. Everything I suggested was

A) too small
B) uncomfortable
C) itchy (basically meaning she didn't like it).

We live in a little town where you just don't go shopping for children's clothes on impulse. So I spent every possible moment on Friday sewing something that we planned together (and as hours passed it started to be clear that I wouldn't be turning on the computer that day).

Her instructions were

A) no lace
B) no ribbon
C) no ruffles
D) no puffed sleeves

and E) no buttons. I barely got away with this one.

This (and some white pants to go with it) were finished just before midnight, in the middle of a white Northern night.


Spring church is a special and very traditional occasion. The whole school participates and parents and relatives are invited to join. It works because most of Finland belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran church.

I used to work here for a while. I will take you here again some day.

Suvivirsi - the hymn everyone knows and loves (because it tells about the arrival of summer).


And a happy ending, both of the school year and of the nothing-to-wear crisis.


Amy said...

Wow, you are amazing! I think I would have just forced the boy into the outfit of my choosing. And the dress is adorable!!

Lara said...

Sometimes you just gotta be! I have done the force thing so many times...