Thursday, April 26, 2012


My apologies for posting towards the end of the week instead of the beginning when my turn is supposed to be! This is because my routines are all scrambled due to my husband's belated winter vacation. My topic for the week is The Gardener, and this title belongs to Mr Vacation. He is truly the head gardener in the family! While I sit indoors posting, he is out there in the rain planting trees. That's all right, because ordinarily he is the one who has to sit at a computer most of the day.

What will be especially interesting this summer is that our 9-year-old is now also into gardening! Number one on her birthday wish list last fall was the promise of a big garden. Next came seeds, tools, and a wheelbarrow. Our shady yard is not the easiest place to grow vegetables, but at least we are going to have some 60 cherry tomato plants lined up in buckets along the sunny side of the house! Too bad only one of the kids will eat tomatoes...

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