Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mt. Rainier

Sometimes I forget that I am only a few hours drive to some really amazing places.  This weekend, we took a family trip to Mt. Rainier, only a 3-1/2 hour drive, but my first trip there in some 20 years.  My first trip to Rainier, as a kid on vacation from the east coast, was kind of a disappointment because all we saw was fog.  We could barely see our hands in front of our faces!  This time, we were more than lucky - even though the forecast was for rain, we ended up with clear skies all weekend!  A miracle!

(Okay, yes, that one was of the relief map at the visitor's center!  My favorite thing!)


Lara said...

Most beautiful post ever! Take me there some day!

Anonymous said...

The picture of E in the window is your best photo yet AK.
