Friday, June 17, 2011

Loma, loma, loma... loma! Loma?

Oh, the multiple meanings of vacation! This is my third entire summer at home with the children, and since the number of children increased last winter, I've never before experienced such a workload, not even when I was employed in the adult world. Feeding little ones is one issue, but then there are also all those safety issues, like making sure they don't get sunburned, run into the street, fall, drown, choke, get bitten by snakes or preferably not even by a league of mosquitoes. Childproofing your whole life, that is. I don't care how much the big important people in the business world get paid for what they do, I claim that parenting full time is the biggest and most stressful responsibility you can ever have! After all, you are responsible for lives. And that comes close to being a doctor, which I hear is also big time stress. Yes, I definitely feel like I've been doing some work around here! Hooray for all the people who take care of the children of CEO's!

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