Saturday, May 7, 2011


Sprung as is spring sprang sprung or as in tipsy? I came to the conclusion that you meant the latter, to be intoxicated by spring, which could perhaps be translated keväthuumassa (kevät = spring, huuma = ecstacy, ssa = suffix, inessive case).

Besides kevät, spring can be translated into Finnish as liikkeelle paneva voima, motiivi, hypätä, loikata, juosta, lehahtaa lentoon, ilmaantua, nousta (maasta), or putkahtaa. To mention a few. Which in return could be translated back into English as mobilizing force, motive, to jump, leap, run, fly away, appear, arise (from the ground), emerge, or pop up. What a dazzling word! I'd call this an ahaa-elämys - the experience of aha! Doesn't that sum up the spirit of this time of year pretty well?

I wasn't able to easily find the etymology of the word kevät, but I did learn that it's at least 2000 years old. Those of you who know Finnish may find it interesting that it, however, isn't the original name for spring in Finnish language. That would be touko. A name best known from the word toukokuu (the month of May and also a boy's name).

But if I ever have a third daughter (oh, help!), I would like her to be called Vuokko, the ultimate natural spring flower in Finland.

Happy happy happy sprung! Amy, I wish I could stop by for some salsa and beer! (Hmm... I wish I could have a beer in the first place. Oh well!)

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