Friday, June 4, 2010

The Portlandiest Portland store ever

Last weekend I went on a birthday-ladies-shopping-spree-adventure-day.  One of the shops was just SO Portland that I asked the retro/funky/peppy clerk if I could take some pictures, and she was all for it.

These old wool blazers have knit hoods and sleeve cuffs sewn into them, and cut-out felt animals sewn onto the fronts.
Probably the most common Portland-crafty theme is the woodland creature- elves, deer, owls, mushrooms, and any kind of bird.  This bag is actually very Scandinavian looking!
No store like this would be caught without a retro light fixture.
And here are a couple not-for-sale items that I would surely have purchased. 


The Reisterstown Butler's said...

I just love the retro light fixture.

Lara said...

This is the first place you will have to take me after we finish our pizzas! I hope you invited the clerk to follow My Morning is Your Evening!

whereshaldo said...

i want a blazer with a hood. wtf amy, I was just there!