My 7-year-old was to finish first grade on Saturday, and on Friday we had a crisis about what she would wear to spring church that would on Saturday celebrate the beginning of summer vacation. Everything I suggested was
A) too small
B) uncomfortable
C) itchy (basically meaning she didn't like it).
We live in a little town where you just don't go shopping for children's clothes on impulse. So I spent every possible moment on Friday sewing something that we planned together (and as hours passed it started to be clear that I wouldn't be turning on the computer that day).
Her instructions were
A) no lace
B) no ribbon
C) no ruffles
D) no puffed sleeves

Spring church is a special and very traditional occasion. The whole school participates and parents and relatives are invited to join. It works because most of Finland belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran church.

Wow, you are amazing! I think I would have just forced the boy into the outfit of my choosing. And the dress is adorable!!
Sometimes you just gotta be! I have done the force thing so many times...
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