My husband's boat hibernates at his parents' house in the archipelago. Last Sunday he took it out for the summer, with the help of his father and this adorable tractor. If I were a vehicle, I would be this tractor: down-to-earth, slightly rusty and muddy, but on the other hand petite and feminine! They didn't need my help with the boat, so I supervised a little girl taking a nap in her grandparents' garden, and knit. The cat showed up during the most freezing days of last winter and started hanging out in the yard, so they have been feeding it. There's another one too and he has been around for years. Sometimes he disappears for months on end, but so far he has always returned, and it is always such an occasion! Such is life in the archipelago.
Well, here I am posting on Friday, not Wednesday! Don't know why it says so... I give up. Time to turn this off and open a beer.
Three cheers for beer! Love the story-I almost thought you didn't post until I scrolled down! That is the cutest tractor ever-gotta love a tractor with flowers on the seat!
And no, I don't normally open a beer around lunch time, although maybe on some days I should! That was YOUR noon, MY late Friday evening!
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