We have a small and faulty
kitchen, but let's not talk about the faults today.

The table and benches are from my Finnish grandparents' home.

Originally they were painted a typical old-fashioned green, but in my childhood they were bright yellow, and when they came to my own home, that's exactly how I enjoyed them for years and years.

Underneath there are scribbles made by my father and his siblings in their childhood. "En ymmärrä - I don't understand". Ah, the mysteries of life!

An unusually clean and empty counter. I put up badly with mess and I hate washing messy things by hand. In practice this means I often suffer greatly from procrastinating.

The best time to bake bread is when you are truly out of bread.

That way you avoid the guilt concerning the factory bread that is sitting untouched and going stale.

Some under-control mess.

Some day, in some bigger kitchen, I want to have a whole rugged piece of furniture filled with old jars.

I think this was someone's birthday decoration that never got taken down.

This intriguing ecological calendar gives a name for every day in the year. Next to it: my faithful PAL.

Today's name is House Sparrow. (Suomeksi varpunen.)