Friday, November 4, 2011

Fruit loop, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4

It's apple season!  But the drive to the region full of orchards, farms, and wineries takes you around Part 1 of this journey, which I call, Mt. Hood: Will We See It Or Not?  A light breeze gave us intermittent views through the mist. 

Part 2:  Farm Fun!

Part 3:  The Beautiful Town of Hood River

Part 4:  What Am I Going To Do With All These Apples and Pears?
There is an orchard here that grows almost 100 varieties of heirloom apples.  They have a policy that any apple that is slightly less than perfect or accidentally falls on the ground (regardless of bruising) goes into the juice-apples bin.  So for 29 cents a pound, I get enough apples to eat (check), can applesauce (check), make into pies (check), and still have leftovers (help)!!  And I still have a box of pears to deal with...

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