Friday, September 9, 2011

Don't ask where the veggies are...

Okay, so this summer, up until a few weeks ago, has been one of the coolest on record for this part of the state.  So my vegetables are a little confused.  Some of the cool season crops were doing okay until it recently became very hot - though I am holding out hope for the one sad little deformed purple cauliflower that just started growing!  (It is surrounded by 7 barren siblings!)  I have let the deer have my tomato plants as they will get more enjoyment out of them than I will, and they seem to be leaving the rest of the garden alone. 

The big silvery-green leaves are the delicata squash plants - my favorite type of squash, which you can see just beginning to grow if you look carefully in the photo!

Oh, and I think I will try posting on Thursdays from here on!  Thank you for letting me slack for the past month or so, Lara!

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