I admired our blossoming
plum tree through the camera lens on three following evenings in May.
Tomorrow school is out for summer. Though I'm looking forward to many unforgettable moments and a more relaxed schedule, the truth is that having three children home all summer and the whole family home in July requires from me an unbelievable amount of cooking, as well as cleaning up mess caused by cooking and eating. So I'm just going to go into the kitchen now and emerge sometime in mid-August!
Are grocery store checkout aisles there filled with magazines on quick cooking? There are a zillion magazines here with titles like "30 minute suppers!" And are Finns crazy for crock-pots like Americans? I wish I could come hang out in your kitchen all summer, too!
No, they're filled with candy! I wouldn't mind the cooking if all the mess just vanished in between meals. And hubby here is so busy with house maintenance and remodeling (things I don't know how to do) that it's going to take a while before we'll be eating his cooking! Maybe after he remodels the kitchen...
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