Monday, May 16, 2011
Amy, thanks for keeping the Friday routine rolling while I had my hands full of children with runny noses! When they are sick they don't sleep, and when they don't sleep I get nothing done.
Since life is such hard work and almost nothing but work right now, I was really in need of a Mother's Day and these lovely gestures of appreciation! My husband knows that I love hotel breakfasts (which in Finland are abundant), but this was even better. The essentials were fruit salad and eggs, something I would like to have every weekend but never seem to have the time for. There was also organic whipped cream (there really is a difference between organic and ordinary), French Chartreuse liquor (it was supposed to be mixed into the whipped cream but that never happened because of the children), savory pastries and chocolate bébés (if you're not familiar with bébé pastries, you can check out what they look like on Finland's most popular food blog, Kinuskikissa).
My eight-year-old daughter had made the best Mother's Day card ever! We speak only Finnish at home, but she learns English from relatives and at school. And yay! The card - which was made in school - says Mom, not Mum! (I still remember my frustration when my elementary school English teacher thought I was making a mistake when I pronounced balloon in perfect American English!)
I was going to add another set of pictures from our visit to the in-laws later on in the afternoon, but those are going to have to wait... Someone is again waking up too soon!
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Lara, why, oh why would you torture me with a food blog that I cannot read? Did you already know that I am obsessed with tiny baked goods? This might be worth finally taking on Finnish!
What are you talking about? Just plug it into google translate.
"Jännittyneiden tunteiden vallassa ryhdyin leipomaan legendaarista ohjetta seuraten. Lopputuloksen näette tässä."
"Tense feelings, I began to bake a legendary following the instructions. The end result you see here."
How much more guidance do you need?
I tried it out and it looked pretty good, except that it translates desilitres as cups. Don't do that! (One cup is 2,2 dl.)
If you seriously must have a specific recipe, just say so and I'll look into organizing a translation - or at least a proofreading!
Oh yes, and I must correct myself: it's more of a cake blog than a food blog, as you might have noticed!
Lara, I wouldn't dare ask you to do that! I already roped you into this crazy blog....I'll just take Hal's advice and bake a delicious legendary!
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