Friends. I wish I had more time for you. It's just this stage of life. In Finnish they call it the rush hour that lasts for years. Ruuhkavuodet, tiedäthän.
Friend, thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment if you're in the mood! Voit vallan mainiosti kirjoittaa suomeksikin!
I see we are posting regularly again, so now you can look forward to hearing from us every Friday. Something happened to our counter, so just when we were about to hit 1234, we had to remove it. Oh well, we will just have to come up with another good number to do something special at! Does anyone know where to get a good counter?
Wow! Tell me about the carrot(s)! Is that an accident, or was it made to grow that way?
I see my friends plenty, it's my cousins I miss! If only there was a WestFinegon, where all three roads intersected!!
They are from the garden of my in-laws. It's a special kind that grows in the archipelago... by accident.
What a coincidence! I see someone else grows carrots like this too!
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